Osu! Standard • Taiko • Catch the Beat • Mania
Rank 0 | PP 0 | Accuracy 99.553% |
Plays 68,031 | Level 101 | Country US ![]() |
Tracker Stats
Profile Link | osu! |
Total Score | 200,865,075,097 |
Ranked Score | 21,659,509,253 |
Total Updates | 931 |
First Update | 2015-08-29 17:25:08 |
Last Update | 2024-11-04 15:49:46 |
Total Tracked Plays | 16,693 |
Most pp Gained In One Day | 264.400 (2016/08/04 - 2016/08/04) |
Total Logged Hiscores | 312 |
Your Averages
pp Gain | Rank Gain | Ranked Score Gain | |
Per hour | 0.029 pp | -0.006 ranks | 48,594 |
Per day | 0.688 pp | -0.149 ranks | 1,166,264 |
Per week | 4.819 pp | -1.043 ranks | 8,163,850 |
Per month | 19.275 pp | -4.173 ranks | 32,655,402 |
Average pp per Play | 0.1383 |
Average Rank per Play | -0.03 |
Average Time Between Hiscores | 0 months, 4 days, 9 hours, 22 minutes, 57 seconds |
Your Charts
Most Recently Recorded Hiscores
Note: All data provided below is based solely off of data collected during updates; hiscores achieved before the first track will not be availiable.
# | Date | Rank | PP | Score | Title | Mods |
1 | 7 years ago | S | 553.504 | 20,166,620 | On the FM [You've got me shaking!] | CL |
2 | 7 years ago | S | 425.956 | 21,020,140 | On the FM [Emiru's Hi-Speed Deluge] | CL |
3 | 7 years ago | S | 515.778 | 20,166,620 | On the FM [You've got me shaking!] | CL |
4 | 7 years ago | S | 332.164 | 21,020,140 | On the FM [Emiru's Hi-Speed Deluge] | CL |
5 | 8 years ago | S | 876.991 | 21,604,341 | Inferno [Conflagration] | HR CL |
6 | 8 years ago | X | 551.459 | 41,403,084 | The Big Black [WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BLACK] | CL |
7 | 8 years ago | S | 727.753 | 21,604,341 | Inferno [Conflagration] | HR CL |
8 | 8 years ago | X | 506.145 | 41,403,084 | The Big Black [WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BLACK] | CL |
9 | 8 years ago | S | 550.175 | 17,799,326 | Inferno [Overdose] | HR CL |
10 | 8 years ago | X | 733.264 | 19,315,520 | Inferno [Conflagration] | CL |
11 | 8 years ago | S | 435.633 | 17,799,326 | Inferno [Overdose] | HR CL |
Click a song to see beatmap information
# | PP | Date | Rank | Title | Mods |
1 | 886.353 | 9 years ago | S | IMAGE -MATERIAL- <Version 0> [Envision] | CL |
2 | 727.753 | 8 years ago | S | Inferno [Conflagration] | HR CL |
3 | 663.144 | 9 years ago | X | P8107 [Nervous Breakdown] | CL |
4 | 657.801 | 8 years ago | S | Adularescence [toybot's Overdose] | DT CL |
5 | 587.035 | 9 years ago | S | Vajuranda [Thunderclap] | DT CL |
6 | 584.669 | 9 years ago | S | Kyouki Chinden (TV Size) [Lunaticy] | DT CL |
7 | 582.166 | 9 years ago | SH | Kakushinteki*Metamaruphose! [CrystalSeed's UmaruDosE!!] | HD HR CL |
8 | 542.875 | 9 years ago | S | AugoEidEs [Freezing] | CL |
9 | 515.778 | 7 years ago | S | On the FM [You've got me shaking!] | CL |
10 | 514.466 | 9 years ago | SH | XENO [Spec's Overdose] | HD HR CL |
Click a song to see beatmap information
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If the charts are blank or are a straight line, play a few songs and/or gain a bit of PP and refresh the page. Stats are updated every time the page is reloaded.