Tracker Stats
Profile Link osu!
Total Score 200,865,075,097
Ranked Score 21,659,509,253
Total Updates 931
First Update 2015-08-29 17:25:08
Last Update 2024-11-04 15:49:46
Total Tracked Plays 16,693
Most pp Gained In One Day 264.400 (2016/08/04 - 2016/08/04)
Total Logged Hiscores 312
Your Averages
pp Gain Rank Gain Ranked Score Gain
Per hour 0.029 pp -0.006 ranks 48,594
Per day 0.688 pp -0.149 ranks 1,166,264
Per week 4.819 pp -1.043 ranks 8,163,850
Per month 19.275 pp -4.173 ranks 32,655,402
Average pp per Play 0.1383
Average Rank per Play -0.03
Average Time Between Hiscores 0 months, 4 days, 9 hours, 22 minutes, 57 seconds
Your Charts
Created with Highcharts 10.1.0Average pp/songBest Performance Time-pp Scatter Chart for iiyoSelect an area by dragging across the lower chartLinear Regression (pp/song)D ScoresC ScoresB ScoresA ScoresS ScoresX ScoresSH ScoresXH ScoresMay '14Sep '14Jan '15May '15Sep '15Jan '16May '16Sep '16Jan '17May '17Sep '17050010001500Chart provided by Jebwizoscar and created by arily

Created with Highcharts 10.1.0Hit Accuracy30010050
Created with Highcharts 10.1.0Ranking RatioSSSA
Most Recently Recorded Hiscores
Note: All data provided below is based solely off of data collected during updates; hiscores achieved before the first track will not be availiable.
# Date Rank PP Score Title Mods
1 7 years ago S 553.504 20,166,620 On the FM [You've got me shaking!] CL
2 7 years ago S 425.956 21,020,140 On the FM [Emiru's Hi-Speed Deluge] CL
3 7 years ago S 515.778 20,166,620 On the FM [You've got me shaking!] CL
4 7 years ago S 332.164 21,020,140 On the FM [Emiru's Hi-Speed Deluge] CL
5 8 years ago S 876.991 21,604,341 Inferno [Conflagration] HR CL
6 8 years ago X 551.459 41,403,084 The Big Black [WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BLACK] CL
7 8 years ago S 727.753 21,604,341 Inferno [Conflagration] HR CL
8 8 years ago X 506.145 41,403,084 The Big Black [WHO'S AFRAID OF THE BIG BLACK] CL
9 8 years ago S 550.175 17,799,326 Inferno [Overdose] HR CL
10 8 years ago X 733.264 19,315,520 Inferno [Conflagration] CL
11 8 years ago S 435.633 17,799,326 Inferno [Overdose] HR CL
Click a song to see beatmap information
# PP Date Rank Title Mods
Click a song to see beatmap information

Click the categories below to expand or collapse their respective graphs and data.

If the charts are blank or are a straight line, play a few songs and/or gain a bit of PP and refresh the page. Stats are updated every time the page is reloaded.

  • Created with Highcharts 10.1.0DatePPRankTotal PP and RankPPRankJan 2016Jan 2017Jan 2018Jan 2019Jan 2020Jan 2021Jan 2022Jan 2023Jan 20248k9k10k11k12k13k14k0100200300400500600
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