Osu! Standard • Taiko • Catch the Beat • Mania
Rank 135,841 | PP 0 | Accuracy 95.603% |
Plays 198 | Level 24 | Country KR ![]() |
Tracker Stats
Profile Link | osu! |
Total Score | 100,283,832 |
Ranked Score | 26,896,818 |
Total Updates | 335 |
First Update | 2018-10-13 02:45:53 |
Last Update | 2025-03-27 11:06:09 |
Total Tracked Plays | 1 |
Most pp Gained In One Day | Not enough information |
Total Logged Hiscores | 41 |
Your Averages
pp Gain | Rank Gain | Ranked Score Gain | |
Per hour | -0.002 pp | -0.409 ranks | 0 |
Per day | -0.059 pp | -9.811 ranks | 0 |
Per week | -0.416 pp | -68.674 ranks | 0 |
Per month | -1.662 pp | -274.697 ranks | 0 |
Average pp per Play | -139.963 |
Average Rank per Play | -23127 |
Average Time Between Hiscores | 1 months, 20 days, 9 hours, 36 minutes, 7 seconds |
Your Charts
Most Recently Recorded Hiscores
Note: All data provided below is based solely off of data collected during updates; hiscores achieved before the first track will not be availiable.
# | Date | Rank | PP | Score | Title | Mods |
1 | 6 years ago | A | 10.3492 | 989,434 | Alice in Misanthrope -Ensei Alice- [Salad] | CL |
2 | 6 years ago | S | 16.0042 | 843,274 | Senbonzakura [Cup] | CL |
3 | 7 years ago | C | 0 | 3,661,968 | AiAe [Rhythm Game] | CL |
4 | 11 years ago | A | 9.67949 | 386,510 | Burst The Gravity (TV Size) [newtoniorock8's Salad] | CL |
5 | 11 years ago | A | 11.3496 | 386,510 | Burst The Gravity (TV Size) [newtoniorock8's Salad] | CL |
6 | 11 years ago | A | 1.99339 | 929,718 | NEW Astronomas [Extra] | CL |
7 | 11 years ago | B | 2.18836 | 390,276 | Bad Romance [Insane] | CL |
8 | 11 years ago | S | 12.2612 | 1,435,108 | Casino Night Zone (2-Player) [Hard] | CL |
9 | 11 years ago | S | 17.4128 | 827,416 | Niji no Oto (TV size ver.) [Hard] | CL |
10 | 11 years ago | A | 9.76177 | 339,784 | Flyaway (Tales of) Remix [ztrot's FlyAway!!] | CL |
11 | 11 years ago | S | 21.873 | 5,541,044 | Fuck You! [Hard] | CL |
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