Tracker Stats
Profile Link osu!
Total Score 994,448,494
Ranked Score 317,431,441
Total Updates 134
First Update 2022-09-29 05:02:15
Last Update 2024-12-20 09:44:38
Total Tracked Plays 64
Most pp Gained In One Day Not enough information
Total Logged Hiscores 107
Your Averages
pp Gain Rank Gain Ranked Score Gain
Per hour 0.012 pp -0.341 ranks 113
Per day 0.278 pp -8.173 ranks 2,712
Per week 1.943 pp -57.209 ranks 18,983
Per month 7.772 pp -228.835 ranks 75,933
Average pp per Play 3.5269
Average Rank per Play -103.8438
Average Time Between Hiscores 0 months, 18 days, 7 hours, 32 minutes, 32 seconds
Your Charts
Created with Highcharts 10.1.0Average pp/songBest Performance Time-pp Scatter Chart for bernard351Select an area by dragging across the lower chartLinear Regression (pp/song)D ScoresC ScoresB ScoresA ScoresS ScoresX ScoresSH ScoresXH ScoresJul '19Jan '20Jul '20Jan '21Jul '21Jan '22Jul '22Jan '23Jul '23Jan '24Jul '2450100150200250300Chart provided by Jebwizoscar and created by arily

Created with Highcharts 10.1.0Hit Accuracy30010050
Created with Highcharts 10.1.0Ranking RatioSSSA
Most Recently Recorded Hiscores
Note: All data provided below is based solely off of data collected during updates; hiscores achieved before the first track will not be availiable.
# Date Rank PP Score Title Mods
1 5 months ago A 96.4922 746,815 Lacrima Mosa Est [MEGA's Insane] CL
2 9 months ago B 86.4711 654,480 Speedcore 300 [Insane] CL
3 3 years ago S 129.831 915,385 Nostalgic (Nightcore Mix) [Tofu's MX] CL
4 4 years ago S 123.024 801,167 * Crow Solace * [4K Extra] CL
5 4 years ago S 183.181 902,603 Dark Flight Dreamer [MX] CL
6 4 years ago A 106.648 746,759 Don't let you down [Miracles] CL
7 4 years ago A 94.5009 736,359 Titania [MASTER] CL
8 4 years ago S 164.253 901,479 Sesshoku (Cut Ver.) [Eternity] CL
9 4 years ago A 103.286 807,652 Blu (Speed Up Ver.) [Tokii's 4K MX] CL
10 4 years ago S 92.2522 892,089 Blastix Riotz [ADVANCED] CL
11 4 years ago A 91.908 718,617 Vajra [DJ MARIROSE VS MARIROSE'S SPECIAL] CL
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# PP Date Rank Title Mods
Click a song to see beatmap information

Click the categories below to expand or collapse their respective graphs and data.

If the charts are blank or are a straight line, play a few songs and/or gain a bit of PP and refresh the page. Stats are updated every time the page is reloaded.

  • Created with Highcharts 10.1.0DatePPRankTotal PP and RankPPRankOct 2022Jan 2023Apr 2023Jul 2023Oct 2023Jan 2024Apr 2024Jul 2024Oct 2024306031203180324033003360342036k42k48k54k60k66k72k
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